Thursday, November 5, 2009

Scratch Project Content Standards and Changes

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Standard 2: Content of Science
Science subject matter focuses on the scientific facts, concepts, principles, theories and models that are important for all students to know, understand and apply. Through the integration of the fields of science and the development of unifying themes, students will understand the interrelationships among biology, chemistry, physics and the earth sciences. Scientifically literate students will make connections in the formal education setting and will apply their knowledge and skills to daily life experiences. The objectives describe the specific subject matter/concepts that students are to master at each grade level.

My Version of Food Web

I changed the grasshopper to a more reflective example of a grasshopper, I also altered the sizes of all of the insects or animals in the project. I made small changes to the scripting and also altered the background to make the project more visually stimulating and uniform.

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