Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Webquest Group Work

During our webquest evaluations, as a group we decided that the landfill webquest and the John Wilkes Booth webquest were the most efficient and productive towards student learning. The Landfill webquest creates creative high thinking and makes the students effectively think and produce solutions. With the John Wilkes Booth webquest, it creates a learning experience that shows the other sides to history and enables students to "create" history of their own. Overall, we believe these two webquests would be the most productive and efficient at teaching the overall goals.The Creative Encounter webquest was one that we did not like. It had too many concepts being taught at one time and to many options to stray from the webquest. We believe that there are easier ways to teach those concepts being taught than those that were actually being taught on the webquest. The Poetry of War webquest is one that might be foreign to those students veiwing it. It was a very subjective webquest and darkly orientented. Overall, we believe these two webquests to be the least productive of the four.

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